Creative Landscaping

I never thought I would see the day when I would be excited that my husband plays golf, but it has happened!
As we are building rose beds and planting flowers using all of the vegetation we transplanted from Alabama, we are also putting down black landscape fabric and pine straw to protect our pretty plants from having grass take them over.
When Audley began the task of putting the fabric down as I planted plants, we discovered that we really needed a way to hold the matting into place so that it doesn’t wash away or peel so that grass will creep through.
So what does that man-of-mine come up with?
{You’re going to love this creative idea!}
Golf Tees.
(And he keeps plenty around!)
Who would have ever imagined?
Do you use landscaping fabric in your flower beds?  Mulch or pine straw?
Have a wonderful weekend my friends!

4 thoughts on “Creative Landscaping

  1. He is brilliant! That is an excellent tip. I'm going to pick up some tees. It's always been a problem. I do have those garden u-shaped things, but I don't like them going all rusty. Ugh.


  2. Hmm… that is rather innovative. However, sod staples (aka “those garden u-shaped things”) are really the way to go. If rust is a problem, galvanized staples are rust-resistant! The tees could fall apart or begin to ruin after watering the garden, but I hope it works out great!

    I buy my sod staples from this company:


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